Have you ever heard the term nanotechnology? This technology is very unreasonable because it can turn something into something unreasonable like a fiction film. Nanotechnology is a technology smaller than a virus, but it can change everything. Not only that, we will discuss nanorobots.
This technology is a manifestation of real-world technological change, because technology is increasingly moving towards becoming more portable. The example is; The first computer of World War II was very large and difficult to operate. Evolved into a "personal computer" that we can operate and is more portable. Then laptops appeared, namely computers that we could take anywhere and now we can hold computers in the form of smartphones.
This is nanometer scale technology. The way to calculate nanometers is by dividing 1 meter by 1 billion. If a strand of hair is 100,000nm, then you have to split a strand of hair 100,000 times. That is the size when we have touched the world of molecules or atoms, which are impossible to see with the naked eye. You have to use a Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) or what we often call an electron microscope.
Nano robot
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